Why You Should Invest in a Whole House Generator

Many homeowners invest in generators to keep the lights on when there is a power cut. It can be an invaluable asset in the event of a storm, social disruption or other natural disaster.  Unfortunately, homeowners will sometimes go bargain hunting for the cheapest generators they can find instead of investing for the long-term. Yes, […]

3 Common Reasons Your Generator Won’t Start

There is nothing more frustrating than turning the key on your backup generator to discover that it won’t start. As a result, you begin to lose money and patience. It was supposed to provide you with energy when the power goes out, but now it is useless. Unfortunately, these things do happen and can prove […]

Is A Standby Generator An Investment?

Our society is exceptionally reliant on electricity. Everything from the batteries in our phone to some cars requires electricity to get them up and running. This means that when the power goes out, we can feel very lost and confused. Unfortunately, storms happen all the time and can at any point knock the power out, […]

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